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HomeAppsWebsites3 Best Free Online Limerick Poem Generator Websites

3 Best Free Online Limerick Poem Generator Websites

We have compiled a list of 3 best free online limerick poem generator websites. Specify characters and words to generate a funny poem.

Are you looking for free limerick poem generators? If yes, then you have landed on the right page.

We have compiled a list of the 3 best free online limerick poem generator websites. All you have to do is enter some words, and these online tools will automatically generate funny and witty limerick poems.

Before getting started, let’s first see what limerick poems are.

A limerick is a five-line poem that is usually humorous. In a limerick, the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other.

The third and fourth lines have different rhymes. The rhyming pattern of limerick poems is AABBA.

An example of a limerick poem generated using one of the tools in this article.

There once was a man who hunted.
He liked the cake, and he grunted.
It was rather fierce,
But not very Charles Peirce,
And he couldn’t resist the affront.

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3 Best Online Limerick Poem Generator Websites That You Will Love

1 Poem Generator

limerick poem generator

As the name itself suggests, Poem Generator is a free website that you can use to generate various types of poems such as haiku, sonnet, love, acrostic, and your favorite limericks.

I like this limerick generator because it can create hilarious limericks in just a minute.

Getting generated with Poem Generator is straightforward. Just visit the website from the link above and specify the following details.

  • Who is your poem’s main character – an older man, young woman, old lass, or young lass?
  • A past tense verb such as ran, swam, ate, etc.
  • Something your character likes – cake, running, etc.
  • A place – England, Mars, etc.

Once you have specified these details, click the Write me a limerick button to see the generated poem.

A limerick was generated using this free tool.

There once was a young man from Mars.
He said, “See the lovely chars!”
It was rather early,
But not very Kirley,
And he couldn’t resist the stars and bars.

Do note that Poem Generate saves your limerick poem on its servers for a specified duration. Therefore, don’t forget to save your limerick poem.

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2. Poem of Quotes

poem of quotes

Poem of Quotes is another of the best free limerick generator websites on this list. It is a dedicated resource of famous classical and personal poems. If you are interested in poetry writing, check out this website.

Besides helping you craft beautiful poems, the website offers free tools such as a rhyme generator, love calculator, and limerick poems generator.

There is no need to create an account to use the Poem of Quotes. Just visit the link above and specify the following details to generate a limerick poem automatically.

First Step: Click the Get Started button to generate your limerick poem automatically.

Second Step: Now, you have to specify the main character of your limerick, which can be a dog, man, girl, etc.

Third Step: In this step, you must enter a base verb form – what does the character do in your limerick? You can specify anything. Here are a few examples – eat apple pie, drive a car, etc.

Final Step: Click the Generate Poem button, and this online tool will create a funny limerick for you.

Here’s the generated limerick poem by this free online tool.

There was a girl from Lamar
Who liked to drive car
On each snowy day
The girl would say
‘Oh, how I miss Lamar!’

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3. Poetry Games

poetry games

Poetry Games is another poem resource website that you can use to create your limericks. The only limitation of this online tool is that it doesn’t generate limerick poems.

I include this in my list because of its intuitive interface that acts like a manual that can help you write a limerick poem.

If you are new to the poetry writing world, then I will recommend you check out Poetry games as they can help you write other forms of poetry such as phone number, haiku, name, triolet, etc.

Closing Thoughts

This blog shared a list of the 3 best limerick poem generator websites. If you want to generate cute and funny limerick poems automatically, you can use any of these websites.

Out of these free websites, I liked Poem Generator the most, as it generates original limerick poems on the fly. Besides that, you can also use it to automatically make other types of poetry, such as love, sonnet, acrostic, etc.

Himanshu Tyagi
Himanshu Tyagi
Hello Friends! I am Himanshu, a hobbyist programmer, tech enthusiast, and digital content creator. With CodeItBro, my mission is to promote coding and help people from non-tech backgrounds to learn this modern-age skill!